Vertex colouring and Brooks' theorem

Definition 7..1 (Vertex colouring)  

A vertex $ k$-colouring of a graph $ G$ is a function $ c: V(G) \mapsto \{
1,2,\cdots,k \}$, such that $ c(x) \ne c(y)$ $ \forall xy
\in E(G)$.

We say $ G$ is $ k$-colourable if there is a $ k$-colouring of $ G$. Clearly $ G$ is $ k$-colourable iff it is $ k$-partite.

Definition 7..2 (Chromatic number)  

The chromatic number $ \chi(G)$ of a graph $ G$ is the minimum $ k$ for which $ G$ is $ k$-colourable.

Definition 7..3 (Greedy algorithm)  

Given an ordering $ v_1,\cdots,v_n$ of $ V(G)$, the greedy algorithm colours the vertices sequentially, giving vertex $ v_i$ the smallest colour in $ \{1,2,\cdots,n \}$ that is not in $ c(\Gamma(v_i)
\cap \{ v_1,v_2,\cdots,v_{i-1} \})$.

Clearly the number of colours used by the greedy algorithm depends on the order of the vertices. Furthermore given a colouring that uses only $ \chi(G)$ colours it is possible to order the vertices so that the greedy algorithm will use no more than $ \chi(G)$ colours.

Lemma 7..4 (Upper bound on $ \chi(G)$)  

Given a graph $ G$, $ \chi(G) \le 1 + \Delta(G)$

Proof. Given a vertex $ x$, then the greedy colouring algorithm will not give it a colour value more than $ d(x) + 1$.

Therefore the greedy colouring algorithm colours all graphs with no more than $ \Delta(G) + 1$ colours, so $ \chi(G) \le 1 + \Delta(G)$.

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Theorem 7..5 (Upper bound on $ \chi(G)$)   $ \chi(G) \le 1 + \max_{H \subseteq G} \delta(H)$ where $ H$ ranges over all induced subgraphs of $ G$ (including $ G$).

Proof. We constructively describe a way of colouring $ G$, by specifying a vertex order for the greedy colouring algorithm.

Let $ n = \left\Vert V\right\Vert$. Let $ H_n= G$. Let $ x_n$ be a vertex in $ H_n$ with degree $ \delta(H_n)$. Certainly $ \delta(G) < 1 + \max_{H
\subseteq G} \delta(H)$. Let $ H_{n-1} = H_n - \{ x_n \}$, $ n > 1$.

The sequence $ x_1,x_2,x_3,\cdots,x_n$ presents to the greedy colouring algorithm a series of vertices which have had at most $ \max_{H \subseteq G} \delta(H)$ neighbours already coloured. Therefore at most $ 1 + \max_{H \subseteq G} \delta(H)$ colours can be used.

This bound is certainly exact for a complete graph.

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Theorem 7..6 (Brooks)  

If $ G$ is connected then $ \chi(G) \le \Delta(G)$, unless $ G$ is complete or $ G$ is an odd cycle.

Proof. Certainly by the greedy algorithm $ \chi(G) \le \Delta(G) + 1$.

Let $ \Delta = \Delta(G)$.

If $ \chi(G) = \Delta + 1$ then by 7.5 there is a subgraph $ H$ of $ G$ with $ \delta(H) = \Delta$ ($ H$ is $ \Delta$-regular). But $ G$ is connected and no vertex not in $ H$ can connect to $ H$, so $ G = H$ and $ G$ is $ \Delta$-regular.

Now suppose $ Delta = 1$. Then $ G = K_2$. Suppose $ \Delta = 2$. Then $ G
= C_3$. Therefore we need only consider $ \Delta \ge 3$.

Sorry, but the rest of the proof will be omitted. The method is to take a vertex of degree $ \Delta$ (the minimal degree) and as in the proof of Vizing's theorem, consider the components $ H_ij$ of vertices coloured either $ i$ or $ j$ and the relationship its neighbours. By considering switching $ i$,$ j$ in these components one can show that the neighbours are pairwise joined.

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Definition 7..7 (Chromatic polynomial)  

Let $ G$ be a graph. Let $ P_G(x)$ be the number of ways of colouring $ G$ using $ x$ colours.

Definition 7..8 (Notation for contracting edges $ G/e$)  

Let $ G$ be a graph. Let $ e
\in E(G)$. Then $ G/e$ is the graph obtained by identifying the endpoints of $ e$. That is if $ e$ joins vertices $ x,y$ then for each edge $ yz$ join $ z$ to $ x$ if $ z$ is not already joined to $ x$. Then remove $ y$.

Theorem 7..9 (Induction step on the chromatic polynomial)  

Let $ e
\in E(G)$. Then $ P_G(x) = P_{G-e}(x) - P_{G/e}(x)$.

Proof. Let $ e = uv$. The colourings $ c$ of $ G-e$ that are not colourings of $ G$ are those with $ c(u) = c(v)$, which are precisely the colourings of $ P_{G/e}(x)$.

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Corollary 7..10 (The chromatic polynomial is a polynomial)  

$ P_G(x)$ is a polynomial in $ x$. Furthermore, $ P_G(x) = x^n - a_1
x^{n-1} + a_2 x^{n-2} + \cdots + (-1)^n a_n$ with $ n = \left\Vert G\right\Vert$, $ a_1 = e(G)$ and all $ a_i \ge 0$.

Proof. By induction on $ e(G)$. True for the empty graph. In general let $ e
\in E(G)$.

Now $ P_{G-e}(x) = x^n - b_1 x^{n-1} + b_2 x^{n-2} + \cdots + (-1)^n
b_n$, $ P_{G/e}(x) = x^{n-1} - c_1 x^{n-2} + (-1)^(n-1) c_{n-1}$, where $ n = \left\Vert G\right\Vert$, $ b_1 = e(G) -1$ and all $ b_i,c_i \ge 0$.

Now by the theorem, $ P_G(x) = P_{G-e}(x) - P_{G/e}(x)$, so $ P_G(x) =
x_n - (b_1+1)x_{n-1} + (c_1 + b_2)x^{n-2} + \cdots + (-1)^n (b_n +
c_{n-1})$, a polynomial of the same form.

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John Fremlin 2010-02-17