Flows, connectivity and matching

Definition 3..1 (Flow)  

A flow in a digraph $ D$ with source $ s$ and sink $ t$ is a function $ f:
E(D) \mapsto \mathbb{R}_{\ge 0}$ such that $ f_+(x) = f_-(x)$ $ \forall x \in
V(D) \setminus \{ s,t \}$ where $ f_+(x) = \sum_{y: xy \in E(D)} f(xy)$ (the flow out of $ x$) and $ f_-(x) = \sum_{y: yx \in E(D)} f(yx)$ (the flow into $ x$). Convenient to set $ f(xy)=0$ if $ xy \notin E(G)$.

Definition 3..2 (Directed edge)  

$ xy$ is the directed edge from $ x$ to $ y$. Loops and multiple edges are forbidden, so certainly $ f(xy)=0$ or $ f(yx) = 0$.

Observation 3..3  

We imagine $ f$ as representing a flow of water or electricity in a network, being pumped in at $ s$, and being pumped out at $ t$. The condition $ f_+(x) = f_-(x)$ expresses that flow is conserved at each vertex.

Definition 3..4 (Value of the flow)  

$ v(f)=f_+(s)-f_-(s)=f_-(t)-f_+(t)$ is called the value of the flow where $ s$ is the source and $ t$ is the sink.

Definition 3..5 (Net flow)  

Let $ S \subseteq V(D)$ with $ s \in S$ and $ t \notin S$. Let $ \bar{S}
= V(D) \setminus S$. The net flow from $ S$ to $ \bar{S}$ is $ f(S,\bar{S}) = \sum_{x \in S,y \in \bar{S}}(f(xy) - f(yx))$.

Since $ \sum_{x,y \in S}(f(xy) - f(yx)) = 0$ we get $ f(S,\bar{S}) =
\sum_{x \in S,y \in V}(f(xy) - f(yx)) = \sum_{x \in S}(f_+(x) - f_-(x)) =
f_+(s) - f_-(s) = v(f)$.

Definition 3..6 (Capacity function)  

Given a capacity function $ c: E(D) \mapsto \mathbb{R}_{\ge 0}$ we require that $ 0 \le f(xy) \le c(xy)$ for all $ xy \in E(D)$.

Definition 3..7 (Cut)  

Let $ S \subseteq V(D)$ with $ s \in S$ and $ t \notin S$. Let $ \bar{S}
= V(D) \setminus S$. The set of edges $ E(S,\bar{S}) = \{ xy \in E(D) : x
\in S, y \in \bar{S} \}$ is called a cut with capacity $ c(S,\bar{S}) =
\sum_{x\in S,y \in \bar{S}} c(xy)$.

For any cut we have $ v(f) = f(S,\bar{S}) \le c(S,\bar{S})$.

Theorem 3..8 (Max-flow min-cut (MFMC))  

The maximum value of a flow (source $ s$ and sink $ t$) in a network is equal to the minimum cut capacity.

Proof. The maximum flow in a network is less than or equal to the minimum cut capacity. Let $ f$ be a flow. We construct $ S \subseteq V(D)$. Initially let $ S = \{ s \}$. Then put $ y \in S$ if either $ \exists x \in S: f(xy) < c(xy)$ or $ \exists x \in S$ with $ f(yx) >
0$. Repeat.

If $ t \in S$ then there is a sequence of vertices starting with $ s =
y_0, y_1,\cdots, y_k = t$ where for each $ 1 \le i \le k$ either $ c(y_{i-1},y_i) - f(y_{i-1},y_i) = \delta_i > 0$ or $ f(y_i,y_{i-1}) =
\delta_i > 0$. Let $ \delta = min_{1 \le i \le k} \delta_i$. We construct a new flow $ f:
E(D) \mapsto \mathbb{R}_{\ge 0}$ equal to $ f$ except on the $ s-t$ path but with $ f'(y_{i-1},y_i) = f(y_{i-1},y_i) + \delta$ or $ f'(y_i,y_{i-1}) = f(y_i,y_{i-1}) - \delta$ as appropriate. $ f'$ is a flow. $ v(f') = v(f) + \delta$ so $ f$ was not maximal, contradiction.

Algorithm increases. Take a subsequence monotonic on each edge. Take the limit. This flow has value of limit so it is maximal.

If $ t \notin S$. Let $ \bar{S}
= V(D) \setminus S$. $ E(S,\bar{S})$ is a cut. For every $ xy$ with $ x \in S$ and $ y \in \bar{S}$ we have $ f(xy)
= c(xy)$. For every edge $ yx$, $ x \in S$ $ y \in \bar{S}$ we have $ f(yx) = 0$. $ v(f) = f(S,\bar{S}) = \sum_{x \in S, y \in
\bar{S}}(f(xy)-f(yx)) = \sum_{x \in S, y \in \bar{S}} c(xy)$. That is, the value of the flow is the cut capacity of some cut.

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Corollary 3..9 (Integrability theorem)  

In a network with integer valued edge capacities there is a maximal flow whose value is equal to the minimum cut capacity, which has integer values at each edge.

Proof. Follow MFMC starting with the zero flow. Then $ \delta$ is always integer.

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Observation 3..10  

Note that there may be a maximal flow which is not integer valued on each edge.

Definition 3..11 (Multiple sinks and sources)  

Consider multiple sources $ s_1,\cdots,s_k$ and multiple sinks $ t_1,\cdots,t_k$. The value of the flow is $ v(f) =
\sum_{i=1}^{k}(f_+(s_i)-f_-(s_i)) = \sum_{j=1}^{l}(f_-(t_j)-f_+(t_j))$ and a cut is $ E(S,\bar{S})$ where $ s_1,\cdots,s_k \in S$ and $ t_1,\cdots,t_k \in \bar{S}$.

Corollary 3..12 (MFMC for multiple sources and sinks)  

In a multiple source network the maximum value of a flow is equal to the minimum cut capacity.

Proof. We construct a new network by joining a supersource $ s$ to $ s_1,\cdots,s_k$ and a supersink $ t$ to $ t_1,\cdots,t_l$ using edges of infinite capacity.

Apply MFMC. Note that any cut of finite capacity cannot touch edges $ s s_i$ or $ t_j t$ so cut can be applied to original graph.

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Definition 3..13 (Vertex capacities)  

We can consider vertex capacities instead of edge capacities. The capacity function is now $ C : V(D) \setminus \{ s,t \} \mapsto \mathbb{R}_{\ge
0}$ and we want $ 0 \le f_+(v)=f_-(v) \le c(v)$ $ \forall v \in V(D)
\setminus \{ s,t \}$. A cut is now a set of vertices $ S$ such that $ D-S$ has no $ s-t$ path. It has capacity $ \sum_{v \in S} c(v)$.

Corollary 3..14 (Vertex capacity version of MFMC)  

The maximum value of a flow in a network with vertex capacities is equal to the minimum cut capacity.

Proof. Construct from $ D$ a new network $ D'$ with edge capacities. Replace each vertex $ v$ by two vertices $ v_-$ and $ v_+$ and an edge $ v_-v_+$. For each edge $ xy \in E(D)$ add an edge $ x_+y_-$ to $ D'$. We give $ v_-v_+$ capacity $ c(v)$ give $ x_+y_-$ infinite capacity. Apply MFMC.

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John Fremlin 2010-02-17