Predicate logic

Observation 5..1  

``The completeness theorem is an absolute highlight of all of mathematics. It's brilliant'' - Dr Leader

Definition 5..2 (Arity)  

The number of arguments to a function is its arity.

Definition 5..3 (Group)   A group is a set $ A$ with functions $ m: A^2 \mapsto A, i: A \mapsto A,
e: A^0 \mapsto A$.

$\displaystyle [Associativity] (\forall x,y,z)(m(x,m(y,z)) = m(m(x,y),z)$ (5.1)

$\displaystyle [Identity] (\forall x)(m(x,e) = x \wedge m(e,x) = x)$ (5.2)

$\displaystyle [Inverse] (\forall x)(m(x,i(x)) = e \wedge e = m(i(x),x))$ (5.3)

Definition 5..4 (Poset)  

A poset is a set A with a relation $ \le \subseteq A^2$. Conveniently $ \le (x,y)$ is written $ x \le y$.

$\displaystyle [Reflexivity] (\forall x)(x \le x)$ (5.4)

$\displaystyle [Anti-symmetry] (\forall x,y)((x \le y \wedge y \le x) \Rightarrow (x = y))$ (5.5)

$\displaystyle [Transitivity] (\forall x,y,z)((x \le y \wedge y \le z) \Rightarrow (x \le z))$ (5.6)

Definition 5..5 (Language $ L$, functions $ \Omega$, predicate $ \Pi$, arity function $ \alpha$)  

Let the set of functions $ \Omega$ and predicates $ \Pi$ be distinct sets, and let the arity function be $ \alpha: \Omega \cup \Pi \mapsto
\mathbb{N}$. Then the language $ L = L(\Omega,\Pi,\alpha)$ is the set of all formulae.

Example 5..6  

For groups, $ \Omega = \{ m, i, e \}, \Pi = \emptyset$. For posets, $ \Omega = \emptyset, \Pi = \{ \le \}$.

Definition 5..7 (Term)  

A term is a subset of strings of symbols from the alphabet $ \Omega \cup \Pi$.

  1. Every variable is a term $ (x_0,x_1,\cdots)$.

  2. If $ f \in \Omega$, $ \alpha(f) = n$ and $ t_1,\cdots,t_n$ are terms then $ f(t_1,\cdots,t_n)$ is a term.

Observation 5..8  

Note that the term $ f(t_1,\cdots,t_n)$ is not the value of the function $ f$ with these arguments. It is just a string. To emphasize this you can write it $ f t_1,\cdots,t_n$.

Definition 5..9 (Atomic formula)  

An atomic formula is one of

  1. $ \bot $.

  2. $ (s = t)$ if $ s,t$ are terms.

  3. $ \phi(t_1,\cdots,t_n)$ if $ \phi \in \Pi$ and $ \alpha(\phi) = n$ and $ t_1,\cdots,t_n$ are terms.

Definition 5..10 (Formula)  

  1. Atomic formulae are formulae.

  2. If $ p$ and $ q$ are formulae then so is $ (p \Rightarrow q)$.

  3. If $ p$ a formula and $ x$ a variable then $ (\forall x) p$ is a formula.

Definition 5..11 (Shorthands)  

$ \neg p $ $ (p \Rightarrow \bot )$ ``not $ p$''
$ p \vee q$ $ ((\neg p) \Rightarrow q)$ ``p or q''
$ p \wedge q$ $ \neg (p \Rightarrow (\neg q))$ ``p and q''
$ (\exists x) p$ $ \neg (\forall x) (\neg p)$ ``exists x such that p''

Definition 5..12 (Free and bound variables)  

An occurrence of a variable $ x$ in a formula is free if it is not within the brackets of a ``$ \forall x$''. Otherwise it is bound.

Definition 5..13 (Sentence)  

A sentence is a formula with no free variable (for example the axioms for groups and posets).

Definition 5..14 ($ L$-structure)  

Let $ L = L(\Omega,\Pi,\alpha)$ be a language. An $ L$-structure is a non-empty set $ A$, for each $ f \in \Omega$ a function $ f_A: A^{\alpha(f)}
\mapsto A$ and for each $ \phi \in \Pi$ a subset $ \phi_A \subseteq
A^{\alpha(\phi)} $.

Example 5..15  

$ L$ the language of groups: an $ L$-structure is a set $ A$ with functions $ m_A: A^2 \mapsto A, i_A: A \mapsto A, e_A \in A$.

$ L$ the language of posets: an $ L$-structure is a non-empty set with a relation $ \le_A \subseteq A^2$.

Definition 5..16 (Closed term)  

A closed term is a term with no variables. For example $ m(e,i(e))$, not $ m(x,i(x))$.

Definition 5..17 (Interpretation of a closed term)  

The interpretation of a closed term in an $ L$-structure $ A$ written $ t_A \in A$ is defined inductively. If $ f \in \Omega$, $ \alpha(f) = n$ and $ t_1,\cdots,t_n$ closed terms then $ f(t_1,\cdots,t_n)_A =

Note that if $ c$ is constant symbol then $ c_A$ is already defined.

Definition 5..18 (Interpretation of a sentence)  

For a sentence $ p \in L$ and an $ L$-structure $ A$ the interpretation of $ p$ in $ A$ is a $ p_A \in \{ 0,1 \}$ defined inductively

  1. $ \bot _A = 0$

  2. For closed terms $ s,t$ $ (s=t)_A = \begin{cases}1&\mbox{ if }s_A = t_A\\

  3. For $ \phi \in \Pi$, $ \alpha(\phi) = n$ and closed terms $ t_1,\cdots,t_n$ set

    $\displaystyle \phi(t_1,\cdots,t_n) = \begin{cases}1&\mbox{if} (t_{1_A},\cdots,t_{n_A}) \in \phi_A\\ 0&\mbox{otherwise}\end{cases} $

  4. For sentences $ p,q$ set $ (p \Rightarrow q)_A = \begin{cases}0&\mbox{if } p_A = 1, q_A = 0\\

  5. $ ((\forall x)p)_A = \begin{cases}1&\mbox{if for all } a \in A \mbox{ have } p[\bar{a} / x]_A = 1\\

    where we extend $ L$ to $ L'$ by adding a new constant symbol $ \bar{a}$ and make $ A$ an $ L'$-structure by setting $ \bar{a}_A = a$ and for any term $ t$, $ p[t/x]$ is the formula obtained by replacing each free occurrence of $ x$ with $ t$.

Observation 5..19  

``Now forget all this nonsense and think of it only as in the original idea.'' - Dr Leader.

Definition 5..20 (Truth, models, holds)  

If $ p_A = 1$ we say $ p$ holds in $ A$ or $ p$ is true in $ A$ or $ A$ is a model of $ p$ written $ A \models p$.

Definition 5..21 (Theory, tautology)  

For a set $ T$ of sentences (a theory) say $ A$ is a model of $ T$ written $ A \models T$ if $ A \models p$ $ \forall p \in T$.

For $ T$ a theory, $ p$ a sentence, say $ T$ entails $ p$ written $ T
\models p$ if every model of $ T$ is a model of $ p$.

If $ \emptyset \models p$ we say $ p$ is a tautology.

Observation 5..22  

What is called in propositional logic a valuation is like in predicate logic an interpretation.

Definition 5..23 (Axiomatize, axioms)  

Say that the members of a theory $ T$ are axioms, and that the theory axiomatizes the things which are models of it.

Example 5..24 (Theory of groups)  

Let $ L$ be the language of groups and let

$ T = \{
(\forall x,y,z)(m(x,m(y,z)) = m(m(x,y),z), \\
(\forall x)(m(x,e) = x \wedge m(e,x) = x), \\
(\forall x)(m(x,i(x)) = e \wedge e = m(i(x),x))

Then an $ L$-structure $ A$ is a model of $ T$ iff $ A$ is a group. $ T$ axiomatizes the class of groups.

Suppose we change the third axiom to be just $ (\forall x)(m(x,i(x)) =
e)$ to produce $ T'$. Does $ T'$ axiomatize the class of groups? (Think about it but the answer is yes).

Example 5..25 (Theory of posets)  

Let $ L = $ language of posets and let $ T = \{ (\forall x,y)((x \le y \wedge y \le x) \Rightarrow (x = y)), (\forall x)(x \le x), (\forall x,y,z)(((x \le y) \wedge (y \le z)) \Rightarrow (x \le x)) \}$. Then a model for $ T$ is precisely a poset.

Example 5..26 (Theory of fields)  

Let $ \Omega = \{ +, \times, -, 0, 1 \}$. $ \Pi = \emptyset$. For $ T$ take

  1. Abelian group under $ +,-,0$
  2. Associative
  3. Commutative
  4. Distributive over $ +$
  5. $ \neg (0 = 1)$
  6. $ (\forall x)((\neg (x = 0)) \Rightarrow ((\exists y)(x \times y = y \times x = 1))$

Then $ T$ axiomatizes the class of fields.

Example 5..27 (Theory of graphs)  

Language of $ \Omega = \emptyset$ and $ \Pi = \{ \sim \}$. $ T = \{ (\forall x) (\neg (x \sim x)), (\forall x,y)((x \sim y)\Rightarrow (y \sim x)) \}$.

Then an $ L$-structure on $ G$ is a $ T$-model iff $ G$ is a graph.

Observation 5..28  

This is called first-order logic. We can qualify over elements but not over subsets. For example we cannot say ``for all subgroups of $ A$''.

Observation 5..29  

Could have an alternative language for groups with $ \Omega= \{m,e \}$ and third element of the theory being $ (\forall x)(\exists y)(m(x,y) = e \wedge m(y,x) = e)$.

Observation 5..30  

Many natural theories have $ T$ infinite. For example, we have fields of characteristic zero. $ L$ language of fields. $ T =$ axioms of a field, with $ \neg (1 + 1 = 0)$, $ \neg (1 + 1 + 1 = 0)$ etc.

Observation 5..31  

Fields of non-zero characteristic. $ L$ language of fields, $ T$ axioms for a field. Can we axiomatize fields of charactistic $ \ne 0$? (Exercise.)

John Fremlin 2010-02-17